Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Book Is Burning!

Today I was cut-off in class by Mr. Bolos when I was going to make a point of why I thought that Huck Finn should only be taught in a History class and not in English class. The main reason is because you have to get into the time period. English classes don't have enough time to take you through a History course all about the time period in which Huck Finn takes place. In AS, we took the time to understand the use of the language used in the story so the words don't seem that extreme. In addition, the characters are not that well educated and so they are using the "N-word" as a comma. Also, this book is a comedy and should not have been taken so literally because the basis of the book is hilarious.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Just when everyone thought that the MLB would be saved by new, "clean," power hitters, we are struck down. With Alex Rodriguez going down due to taking steroids, who can we trust in the MLB anymore? Pujols, Howard, or Ortiz? Our most sacred record, home runs, is tainted right now by Barry Bonds and now we have another "formally tainted" home run hitter on the rise to the record. If I were in Alex's shoes right now, I would get close to my friends who have been through this: Andy Pettitte and Jason Giambi and take all the advice I could get from them. Personally, I'm very quick to forgive as long as Alex just comes out and apologizes for it. That's when I drop the subject. I dropped it when Pettitte said sorry and I'll do it for Rodriguez too. Just come clean. That's all. That also goes for anyone else who have, either now or in the past, taken steroids or steroid-type substances.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Blank Mind

I need new ideas for blog posts. You see, writing about what we talked about in class bores me because I'm not going to be the only person blogging about it. When the blogging assignment started back in September, I thought that it would be so easy and I would fill our 1 post and 1 comment requirement with no problem. Well, I was wrong. This post is about getting ideas for future blogs. I feel like the end of a Dirty Jobs show (Discovery Channel, great show, I encourage everyone to watch it) where Mike Rowe begs the audience for more jobs to do or the end of a Mythbusters (also a great show) where they ask for more myths. I'm sorry, but I'm out of ideas. Please respond to me!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Blood Is Still Red

Myth- You'd think 50 years after the football Cardinals left Chicago, there would be little or no fans left here in the city and that everyone would have moved on to being a Bears fan. Truth- While listening to ESPN Radio 1000 and 670 The Score, they sent out reporters to the south side of Chicago to see if there are original Cardinals fans that still remain. There are many in fact. The south side/suburbs that are dominantly White Sox fans, believe it or not, are populated with lots and lots of Cardinals fans. 670 reported that during this week, Bear fans were a minority! That's right, the south side still bleeds red. Sort of surprising? Indeed.