Friday, April 24, 2009

My Junior Theme Interview

I'm worried. You see, when I interviewed Rep. Mark Kirk, I asked if he could be recorded. In response, he said that he would prefer not to be. My question now is will people believe me that I interviewed him or will people just have to take my word for it? It feels a little like I'm undermining the interview part of our Junior Theme. Also, what would CQ Researcher go under in Noodle Bib?

Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm The Newest IBM Worker

Have you seen the IBM commercials lately? I'm sure you have because they are on EVERY SINGLE CHANNEL! I feel as though I'm the Scottish doctor when I say that I have too much information that can be processed at this moment. However, unlike him, it's not medical related, it's the information on my Junior Theme. I have 2 books which I need to skim, I have 8 newspaper articles, 3 magazine articles, and 1 NPR transcript I have to go over. YIKES! Could somebody please tell me how to approach this so I can retain the necessary info and cut out the "fluff?" I also haven't had my interview yet either so when that happens, I'll probably be so deep in info that I'll have to give up time to work on other class work because I'll need to process the J.T. info. The only upside to this project is that I'm enjoying working on it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Righteous Battle

If there ever was a war in the last 10 years that America should part take in, it would be the Somalian pirates. Now, after they have taken over many vessels, one American, we finally retaliate. I believe that this should have been stopped after the first time pirates tried to board a cruse ship heading for India. I don't understand why we wait for these things to happen before our country gets indirectly attacked. I commend Vice Adm. Bill Gortney to order his men to kill the Somalian Pirates. I believe that the U.S. should set up a naval blockade from any more ships getting caught in the pirates cross-hairs. I also think that we should send a sub there to sink the pirate ships that keep on attacking practically at will. I know that this is a very drastic measure for me because I'm generally a pretty passive person and will let things go, but when the time calls for it, which it does now, we should strike and defend all ships in that area.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

They Caught On Quickly

With the controversy of Sarah Palin and her daughter and her baby, some, including most Alaskans, believe that Palin is exploiting her daughter to boost her political career. All I have to say is that if this is true, the uneducated moron should not ever be allowed to hold office again because that's about as low as you can get. I can't believe that Palin would over expose her daughter just for her political career. It's just unbelievable. The American public currently knows more about Bristol and her life then we do about Sarah. I'm just beside myself that she (even though she is only alleged) would exploit someone else just to get your uneducated butt in office.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

For The Love Of It!

As the Junior Theme takes over AS class, we have to pick a topic in which we would like to study more about. After a few periods in the library and talking to both the teachers and a few students, I still remain pretty clueless on what I'd like to learn more about. My problem is that I get on an idea and then after about 5 minutes of researching the topic I get bored. They're just not that many "Why" questions that interest me for a long time besides why are we here. If you have a suggestion, please give me a list of ideas.