Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm The Newest IBM Worker

Have you seen the IBM commercials lately? I'm sure you have because they are on EVERY SINGLE CHANNEL! I feel as though I'm the Scottish doctor when I say that I have too much information that can be processed at this moment. However, unlike him, it's not medical related, it's the information on my Junior Theme. I have 2 books which I need to skim, I have 8 newspaper articles, 3 magazine articles, and 1 NPR transcript I have to go over. YIKES! Could somebody please tell me how to approach this so I can retain the necessary info and cut out the "fluff?" I also haven't had my interview yet either so when that happens, I'll probably be so deep in info that I'll have to give up time to work on other class work because I'll need to process the J.T. info. The only upside to this project is that I'm enjoying working on it.

1 comment:

Erika Eich said...


You're in a good position. It's better to have too much information than not enough. I would advise skimming your materials keeping your eyes open for information that is directly pertinent to your JT argument. When you find that information, then really focus in on the meaning and decide whether you can incorporate it into your paper or not. You don't need to ingest every single word. Skim and move on.