Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Give It Up!

In the summer of 2007, I was in Vienna, Austria. It was a very lovely city. I highly recommend going there for a few days of your life. There are no words for how awesome the city is and how the city is old, but at the same new. They have the perfect mix.
This blog however isn't about how nice the city is, but rather about Mexico! You see, 516 years ago, Cortez and the Spanish Conquistadors took over Mexico. In the process, after Montezuma II died, the Spanish took Montezuma's headdress, the last authentic Aztec headdress ever made. The headdress is "made of over 450 bright green tail feathers of the quetzal bird, known as the crown of the last ruler of the Aztecs, Montezuma," ("No bilateral problems - except for Montezuma's crown of feathers"By Anne Dellemann). However, the headdress has a greater, sentimental, philosophical, historic, cultural, and spiritual meaning for the indigenous Aztecs that are still alive today.
Currently, there is a group of about 100 indigenous Aztec decedents in Vienna protesting the Austrian government. The Austrian government is thinking about giving the headdress back as a "gift," but to me, that would seem like an insult. I say just give it back. It's apart of Mexican history and is one of the most important pre-Colombian history artifacts.

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