Thursday, January 8, 2009


Today in class, Mr. O'Connor showed us the front page of the newspaper called The Red Eye, the page, in white letters on a back background, stated "IS RACISM DEAD?" My answer in short is no, not even close. The article went on to talk about, wait for it, Barrack Obama. Racism is just in a different form than what we remember back from the MLK days. I sincerely believe that Americans are much more tolerant of color then we used to be. However, I strongly believe that our [America's] racial profiling, stereotyping, and religious tolerance has gotten much worse. Nowadays, many ignorant Americans believe that if someone is Muslim, they are automatically a terrorist. I just want to say "CUT IT OUT!!!" It's profiling like that that give America and Americans a bad name. I, for one, could not care less what the hell you are. If you want to be Muslim, be Muslim. If you want to be Voodoo, be Voodoo. If you want to be a Scientology worshiper, pay your fee and worship, just don't throw your beliefs on me, that's all I ask. In the end, please, don't profile or act like your better than another race because in the end, we're all the same-human. We're all the same species weather you like it or not so just deal with it.


Julia said...

The definition of racism is commonly understood as "hatred or intolerance of another race" ( I'm sure this form of racism is still out there, but I agree that racism has changed over the years. Yes, it still exists. However, racism seems to be more of stereotyping these days. I feel that people judge based on the color of someone's skin when they see them. This is still racism, but less of the blatant hatred.

Matt B said...

I have to agree with Hillman on this one, racism is definitly not dead. While Obama was elected, there is still racial tension in America. Whether someone is joking about it, like Chris Rock, or is serious about it, like the KKK, racism is sadly, not yet dead :(.