Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Righteous Battle

If there ever was a war in the last 10 years that America should part take in, it would be the Somalian pirates. Now, after they have taken over many vessels, one American, we finally retaliate. I believe that this should have been stopped after the first time pirates tried to board a cruse ship heading for India. I don't understand why we wait for these things to happen before our country gets indirectly attacked. I commend Vice Adm. Bill Gortney to order his men to kill the Somalian Pirates. I believe that the U.S. should set up a naval blockade from any more ships getting caught in the pirates cross-hairs. I also think that we should send a sub there to sink the pirate ships that keep on attacking practically at will. I know that this is a very drastic measure for me because I'm generally a pretty passive person and will let things go, but when the time calls for it, which it does now, we should strike and defend all ships in that area.


Judy Gressel said...

I really don't have a much of a clue on how to help you since you have not yet posted any bibliography.

Seek some help for your WHY question, either from your teachers or if they are too busy seek out the librarians.

You really need to get researching.

Matt H said...

I know I haven't blogged about me Junior Theme. You see, I'm like an IBM commercial right now, I have all of this information and all I need to do right now is to process it. It will take me about a week to process about 1/2 of the info I have. As for my WHY question, I have it, but I still have to refine it.