Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today in class, we talked about the American Flag and what it means to us. When Walt brought up the O'Reilly Factor, he said, and supported the statement that we should support the government no matter what they do. I think I may have blogged about this subject before, but I cannot even begin to agree with this statement to say the least. You see, our country was formed on disagreeing with our mother country, England. You cannot tell me with a straight face that we should blindly follow our government into anything and anywhere just because "if you disagree with what your government is doing, you're unpatriotic." That's just not true. If people believed this in the 1770's, we would all not be here today. Also, people that truly believe this statement truly fall in the category of a communist because in communist countries, you cannot speak your mind. In addition, our country was also founded on debate so why should we discontinue debating on our government? We shouldn't and this statement is out of line and very foolish. END OF STORY!

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