Friday, October 31, 2008

Stop! You're Making Too Much Sense!

Why do we keep increasing our spending in areas that are destructive. We keep increasing military spending, which, though important, is leading to a disaster. We never needed to go into Iraq in the first place and now, no one has a glimpse of an idea of what a victory would look like. Could someone ask the candidates. What we should have done, is invest in agriculture due to the amount of money food is costing these days. We should find out new ways to grow food and increase production. In addition, we should increase spending in NASA and science. Currently, Mars is the closest to Earth it has ever been and is slowly pulling away. If we have want any chance to land people on Mars we have to launch now. The only problems are that we would have to train people to live in space for a year, the food supply and the amount of fuel will have to take up tons of space, and the cost would be a lot. However, all of this, in the space exploration field, could have been funded had it not been for Richard Nixon cutting NASA's budget: "By the time Nixon left the White House, the NASA budget had fallen from its peak of almost 4 percent of the total federal budget to less than 1 percent. It has remained at that lower level for the last 30 plus years. At that level, NASA decided it could not continue to operate the systems it had developed for Apollo and closed down the production lines for the Apollo spacecraft and Saturn V rocket while also cancelling three lunar missions – Apollo 18, 19 and 20" ( Even though space is important to me, agriculture and medicine is most important to me. If we increased spending into those areas our life expectancy and overall health would improve dramatically.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Chicken With Its Head Cut-Off

Pennies and Nickels. These are the butt-end of stereo typical jokes of Jews and part of a failing country. Everyone knows that it costs more to make a penny than what a penny is really worth, but how much? It costs 1.23 cents (according to USA Today) to make a penny and 5.73 cents to make a nickel. Why should we continue this? I try to pay 89 cents for a pack of cough-drops and I tried to pay in pennies. The sore wouldn't accept them. I asked why. They responded "It's pointless. it will take me forever to count all of those." Therefore, I propose that we get rid of pennies and nickels due to their lack of revenue. What will we doe instead? Round to the nearest dime. However, there must be a law, so that companies don't take more than what the item is actually worth, that all items must be properly rounded. If the cost would have been less than .05 than the cost should be .00. We are already in the process of getting rid of pennies, but nickels must also be on that bill as well.

Monday, October 20, 2008

It's Your Own Damn Fault!

In class, we discussed weather or not people should have rights to wear whatever shirt they desire, regardless of whatever obscenity may be on that shirt. I took the side that there should be a right because it is your own fault if you look like a moron. Honestly, I don't care if someone was walking down the street with an "I believe in Pres. Bush" shirt. I would just keep walking and think "Boy that guy is just wrong," but that would be it. I wouldn't attack the guy or anything. However, someone else in my group thought that there should be a law. The problem with a law is that how do you define what is obscene and what is not? You see, this is just a sense of opinion. Someone walking down a street in Chicago wearing that "I believe in Pres. Bush" shirt would be very provocative and nearly obscene. Someone walking down a street in a deeply conservative state wearing a "Vote for Gore" shirt would probably bring up the same feelings. It's all about what you believe in. If there was a law against this, it would be a tricky law. What I find obscene, others won't and because of our different opinions, beliefs, and biases, and therefore, we can't all agree. However, if someone was walking down a street and their shirt said "I'll Kill You In Your Sleep," or something along those lines, I believe that those shirts should be banned. I know I may have just sounded like a hypocrite, but I do believe at a certain point, there should be a boundary.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


There is actually no death here, but like Max has shown, titles grab your attention (I hope). In the modern-day, handwriting has gotten to be abominable, grammar is terrible, and spelling has gotten to a low that we are close to the point of no return. Why? It's because of a powerful tool that has advanced and corrected essays for the last 15 years. It's called "spell check." I was listening to Laugh Attack on XM, and there was a comedian that was talking about how he was reading letters and resumes for a job opening and this was what a few of the letters said: "Hello, my name is___. I believe that I would be a good fit for the jog because I fit all the cinnamon. Attached to my is my liter is my restitution. I would greatly appreciate if you could concise me for the job." You see, the bolded and italicized words are all words, non misspelled, but they were the first word that popped into the replace box. The careless person would just keep clicking on "replace" the entire time. In my opinion, not enough spelling is taught in grade school and in high school, no enough attention is paid to it either.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Do You Believe?

In class Friday, we saw bubbles of words that were most commonly used in the 2008 Republican/Democratic National Convention. I couldn't help but notice that the Republican's most used word/name was God. Why? The Democratic's used the word "Change"the most, which is something they can do. But what can God do? Everyday scientists disprove Creationism and God. Even if there was a God, by this point in time, there have been so many prayers said that God would probably just tune them out and basically say "Do it yourself."You may just say that I'm Atheist, I am, but that doesn't mean that I don't believe in mericals. I do, but we got ourselves into this screwed up situation, I know God would say "Grëat, now get yourself out.