Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Chicken With Its Head Cut-Off

Pennies and Nickels. These are the butt-end of stereo typical jokes of Jews and part of a failing country. Everyone knows that it costs more to make a penny than what a penny is really worth, but how much? It costs 1.23 cents (according to USA Today) to make a penny and 5.73 cents to make a nickel. Why should we continue this? I try to pay 89 cents for a pack of cough-drops and I tried to pay in pennies. The sore wouldn't accept them. I asked why. They responded "It's pointless. it will take me forever to count all of those." Therefore, I propose that we get rid of pennies and nickels due to their lack of revenue. What will we doe instead? Round to the nearest dime. However, there must be a law, so that companies don't take more than what the item is actually worth, that all items must be properly rounded. If the cost would have been less than .05 than the cost should be .00. We are already in the process of getting rid of pennies, but nickels must also be on that bill as well.

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