Friday, October 31, 2008

Stop! You're Making Too Much Sense!

Why do we keep increasing our spending in areas that are destructive. We keep increasing military spending, which, though important, is leading to a disaster. We never needed to go into Iraq in the first place and now, no one has a glimpse of an idea of what a victory would look like. Could someone ask the candidates. What we should have done, is invest in agriculture due to the amount of money food is costing these days. We should find out new ways to grow food and increase production. In addition, we should increase spending in NASA and science. Currently, Mars is the closest to Earth it has ever been and is slowly pulling away. If we have want any chance to land people on Mars we have to launch now. The only problems are that we would have to train people to live in space for a year, the food supply and the amount of fuel will have to take up tons of space, and the cost would be a lot. However, all of this, in the space exploration field, could have been funded had it not been for Richard Nixon cutting NASA's budget: "By the time Nixon left the White House, the NASA budget had fallen from its peak of almost 4 percent of the total federal budget to less than 1 percent. It has remained at that lower level for the last 30 plus years. At that level, NASA decided it could not continue to operate the systems it had developed for Apollo and closed down the production lines for the Apollo spacecraft and Saturn V rocket while also cancelling three lunar missions – Apollo 18, 19 and 20" ( Even though space is important to me, agriculture and medicine is most important to me. If we increased spending into those areas our life expectancy and overall health would improve dramatically.

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