Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Big Freakin' Deal

In class this week, on numerous occasions, talk about the picture of Obama in a bathing suit, on a beach in Hawaii. We also discussed that he was video taped and shown nationally playing basketball. The class went on to say that Obama is really the first president that has ever been pictured like this, on vacation, or at leisure. Now my point about this is that so what he's on vacation?! I take vacations. I was just in Florida and I don't see my picture all over CNN, FOX, MSNBC, or some other news station. So what's the big deal about it anyway?


Jillian F said...

I agree that I do not think that it is a big deal that he was on vacation or in a bathing suit and who cares, we never see George W. Bush in a bathing suit on the news, why should we care now. My mom was once on vacation and she saw Bill Clinton running on the beach with all of his secret service, and there were not a thousand paparazzi, we should not annoy them and is someone actually going to cut out a picture of Obama in a bathing suit and hang it up, I wouldn't.

Julia said...

The whole point IS that "we never see George W. Bush in a bathing suit on the news." It's a big deal because they're treating Barack Obama differently than past presidents.... because he's black. The media is showing him in his bathing suit and playing basketball because these are physical things, not intellectual things. People still have the idea that black people only do things that don't require them to have an education. Why don't we see more pictures of Obama reading a book or doing some other intellectual activity?