Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why Are We Still In This?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

A couple days ago in Iraq, an American soldier, from Texas, opened fire and killed five other American soldiers. The U.S. Army has announced that this is the single deadliest soldier-to-soldier conflict since the initial mistake of invading Iraq. I don't understand why this happened. I mean, he was at a mental health clinic in Baghdad and they let him have a gun! Is our army stupid or something?! When a junkie checks themselves into a rehab facility, do the doctors let him keep the drugs? NO! Secondly, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, one in six soldiers come home with post-traumatic stress syndrome. In addition, many of these people, such as this killer, didn't receive help which he clearly needed. I strongly believe that we have made matters worse for us in the middle east and that we have destroyed Iraq and it will only be rebuilt by the Al Queda. In the end, this is truly a disaster that could have been avoided.


Max Rice said...

Interesting post Hillman, unfortunately this soldier is not the first Texan soldier to open fire on a bunch of innocents, have you ever heard of Charles Whitman? My only complaints are the line Is our army stupid or something is kind of offensive, plus I doubt the U.S. army has announced that invading Iraq was a mistake.

Matt H said...

What I'm saying is that when a soldier is in MENTAL HEALTH HELP, we should not allow anyone to carry any weapons of any kind to ensure the safety of everyone. This was preventable.