Wednesday, September 10, 2008

But is it Necessary?

Back in 1700's, 1800's and part of the 1900's, information had to be carried by person on a horse or a train, but in the end it would take days or weeks to get news from New York to San Diego. Then it would have to be printed in a news paper and then it was sent to you the next day. Now, in 2008, people can get info any number of ways. We can go on the internet, watch t.v., the newspaper, and talking to one another. Which brings me to my question: Is the Electoral College necessary? Every one in today's society, adults, high schoolers, even my sister that's in 7th grade knows the basics of the agendas from McCain and Obama. Should we discontinue the Electoral College and just elect our president by popular vote?

1 comment:

Jerbear said...

I agree 100%. Why is it fair that some peoples votes count more than others, because in the end, they do. If its a tie in Rhode Island, and 1 more person votes, that person is only deciding 1.5% of the final tally, but if there is a tie in California, and one more person votes, then that person decides 20.4%. Nuff said.